Erectile Dysfunction is a physiological condition that affects as many as 30 million middle-aged and older men in the United States alone. If you’ve got it…we have the solution for you. We have found a safe, painless and effective treatment. This revolutionary Erectile Dysfunction Treatment can be self-administered in the privacy of your home.
What is the cause of Erectile Dysfunction in Men?
A reduction in blood flow to the penis is the cause of Erectile Dysfunction for most men effected. The reduction of blood flow makes it difficult to get and keep an erection. Just like the plaque build-up you hear about in the arteries of the heart, the reduction in blood flow to the penis can cause plague build up in the arteries of the penis as well. Yes… this is a key cause of Erectile Dysfunction.
How can you fix this?
There are a number of popular treatment options available but most of them are simply short term fixes to the problem. They do not get to the root cause of the problem.
“The Little Blue Pill” for example,is known as vasodilators. These pills and other similar treatments cause all the blood vessels in the body to Dilate or Open up, thus allowing more blood to flow through. Some medications have side effects and may not last long, requiring them to be taken over and over again. In addition, these treatments require a doctor’s prescription and usually are not covered by insurance.
Another archaic treatment that men have endured in the name of treating Erectile Dysfunction are Penile Injections. Injections are another type of vasodilator that are injected directly into the penis. These injections are painful, they are short lasting and must be administered over and over again. They also require a prescription and are painful and are expensive.
To solve the problem you need a treatment that removes the Plaque and allows the blood to flow freely.
For many years, Acoustic Wave Therapy has been used as an Erectile Dysfunction Treatment. It is non-invasive, FDA approved, very safe and very effective. This treatment uses sound waves to dislodge and break up the plaque inside the arteries. In addition, these sound waves stimulate the growth of new blood vessels.
The problem is that these treatments are done in the doctor’s office. For many men, this can be quite embarrassing. Few want, even in the doctor’s office, to discuss the fact that their equipment isn’t working!!! Also, it takes many treatments. It is a very expensive treatment and insurance may not always pay for it.
Our answer is Personal Acoustic Wave Therapy!!!
Introducing The PHOENIX.
Launch Medical has created a clinical strength, at-home version of Acoustic Wave Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction Treatment. This is medical grade equipment that uses the same sound waves to break up and eliminate plaque to restore blood flow. The Phoenix‘s self-treatment protocols are safe, easy, and done in privacy of your own home. No prescription needed and no embarrassing doctor’s appointments.
REMOVING PLAQUE + NEW BLOOD VESSELS = INCREASED BLOOD FLOW…And that equals STRONG, SPONTAEOUS ERECTIONS like you had as a younger man. This is a truly a revolutionary development. Learn more, click this link:
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