You can participate in the effort to Fight Global Poverty. Welcome to the Performance Giving Network (PGN for short). We are a Global force of Entrepreneurs looking to make the World an Better Place for all.
It all starts with creating the platforms, the network to allow for incredible things.
Wealth Re-Distribution!

We Fight Global Poverty by creating an economic solution for the entire World to Participate in. This is a massive movement. And there are already thousands and thousands that have joined in.
We have an entire support team leading the expansion, training and deployment of this into reality.
To End Poverty and Increase the Quality of Life for all we touch.
We do this through an incredible process.

Fight Global Poverty through the Performance Giving Network:
See the many ways we are creating economic solutions. These represent methods to create income streams to provide for a better way of life. These are methods to actually enable us to Fight Global Poverty, and eventually, allow Poverty to be wiped off the Earth.
It all starts with giving the World Access to a true Global Banking Solution. This is where the TippingCircle comes into play. START HERE! Get set up.
Paid to Chat: Literally the worlds’ most secure chat program. And it pays you to use it.
Paid to Game: The most incredible games, played online, and with reward of income for playing.
Paid to Watch TV! Our Premium and Paid TV program is beyond the best thing ever. We are taking Premium Television Programming and our Educational programming around the Globe.